Friday, October 16, 2009

Looking For Lili

"I'm Lili Taylor,"she says softly.Oh?I've never heard of you,but you must have done pretty well for yourself,if you're in a public television promo alongside filmmaker Ken Burns.You say you turn to public TV to help you decide who to vote for.I take it you're referring to News Hour with Jim Lehrer and perhaps convention coverage.Those are good places to learn,so you must have some sense in your head.Public TV isn't commercial-free anymore,but at least the ads are in good taste.My personal favorite is Chevron's " human energy" campaign.The music and faces are wistful-not what you'd expect from a big,bad oil major,but that's the whole point of this image-changing spot.I suspect that Lili never had such a problem.She's one of the world's gentle souls,it seems.If that isn't enough to get you next to Ken Burns,I don't know what is.

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